IELTS Reading 3 - Passage 3

IELTS Reading Tip: Completing notes and summaries

In the IELTS exam, you may be given a summary of, or notes about, a text, but there will be information missing which you will have to look for. You will usually find the information in a particular part of the text, but not in the same order. You will either have to choose words from the text or choose the correct option from those given. It is often easier to choose the correct answer if you can predict the type of word you need by using your knowledge of grammar.

Questions 28-34

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet.

In Europe modem science emerged at the same time as the nation state. At first, the scientific language of choice remained 28 It allowed scientists to communicate with other socially privileged thinkers while protecting their work from unwanted exploitation. Sometimes the desire to protect ideas seems to have been stronger than the desire to communicate them, particularly in the case of mathematicians and 29 .

In Britain, moreover, scientists worried that English had neither the 30 nor the 31 to express their ideas.This situation only changed after 1660 when scientists associated with the 32 set about developing English. An early scientific journal fostered a new kind of writing based on short descriptions of specific experiments. Although English was then overtaken by 33 it developed again in the 19th century. as a direct result of the 34 .

Questions 35-37

Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?

In boxes 35-37 on your answer sheet write

TRUEif the statement agrees with the information
FALSEif the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVENif there is no information on this

35There was strong competition between scientists in Renaissance Europe. 

36The most important scientific development of the Renaissance period was the discovery of magnetism. 

37In 17th-century Britain, leading thinkers combined their interest in science with an interest in how to express ideas. 

Questions 38-40

Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 38-40 on your answer sheet.

Science written in the first half of the 17th century
Language used Latin English
Type of science Original 38
Examples 39 Encyclopaedias
Target audience International scholars 40 , but socially wider


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