IELTS Listening Exercise #8
Tip for IELTS Listening
You are going to see an example of a flow-chart completion task.
When completing a flow-chart, listen for signalling words that help you know when the answer is coming, and remember that the questions are in the same order as the recording. There may be distractors, so listen carefully to the whole conversation.
You are going to listen to a conversation between two students. First you have some time to look at Questions 1-4.
Now Listen carefully and answer Questions 1 to 4:
Questions 1-4
Complete the flow chart below.
Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

- Damien:
- Hi, Maria, what do you think of the assignment we were given today? It looks challenging, doesn’t it?
- Maria:
- Absolutely, Damien. I’ve been thinking about how we’re going to get everything done in time.
- Damien:
- Why don’t we make a flow-chart? It might help us plan better.
- Maria:
- Great idea. Where shall we start?
- Damien:
- Right, well, initially I thought we ought to look at how the assignment is being assessed, but I’m not so sure now. I think it’d be better if, first, we scheduled a meeting with the tutor. He can give us a lot of information, which I’m certain will save us time later.
- Maria:
- That’s a good idea. Seeing the tutor will help us understand just how much work’s involved. What next?
- Damien:
- Well, next, I think we need to make sure we’re happy we know the main aspects that make up the assessment. We need to recognise those before we can do anything else.
- Maria:
- Yes, I can see that makes sense. And then, we can put together a schedule for the activities we need to do. It doesn’t need to be exact at that stage, does it?
- Damien:
- I totally agree. Once that’s completed, we need to calculate the possibility of something bad happening. There’s always something that goes wrong, isn’t there? So, we should make an evaluation.
- Maria:
- Right! And finally, we’ll need some sort of plan. You know, in case something does go wrong.
- Damien:
- A contingency plan – that’s a good idea. OK, so where’s the phone? I need to call the tutor before we forget.