IELTS Speaking : Practice Test

IELTS Speaking Tips

Your choice of grammar shows how you feel about your occupation.

Present simple

I work for a company which makes car engine parts.
This implies you feel the job is long term.

Present continuous

I'm working for a company which makes car engine parts.
This implies you feel the job is temporary.

If you're a student, it's common to use the present continuous to describe your course:
I'm doing a Master's degree in Forest Management.

Don't just say I'm a student or I work in a restaurant. Give more details in your answer. For example:

  • I'm a third-year student studying Law at the local university.
  • I'm working as a waiter in a pizza restaurant in the main square of this town. You may have seen it. It's called Pizza Hut.

The examiner may ask for your opinion or feelings about your occupation. It can be a good strategy to contrast a positive and a negative opinion. For example:

  • It's not an easy subject. There's a lot of reading, and the exams are very difficult, but it'll be worth it.
  • I'll be able to get a good job when I graduate, and the career prospects for lawyers are excellent.
  • It's hard work and - I have to be honest - the pay isn't great, but it can be a lot of fun, especially when the restaurant is busy. I work with some really nice people.

Part 1

Answer the questions:

1Do you work or are you a student?

Model answer:

2Do you have a large family?

Model answer:

3Describe your hometown.

Model answer:

4What's the weather like in your country?

Model answer:

5What are some of your hobbies?

Model answer:

Part 2

You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.
You have one minute to think about what you’re going to say.
You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Describe a person who helped you.

You should say:

  • where you met the person
  • what relationship this person was to you
  • what was special about them

And explain how this person helped you.

Would you like to help someone in this way?

Model answer:

Part 3

Answer these questions:

1Do you think we can learn anything from older generations?

Model answer:

2Compare the role of the family in today's world to the past.

Model answer:

3Should we ask our family for help, or should we try being independent?

Model answer:

4In your opinion, when does a child become an adult?

Model answer:

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