IELTS Reading Sample (General) #9
Reading Tip
Questions 1-7
Complete the table below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the text for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

Questions 8-13
The passage has ten paragraphs labelled A-J
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter A-J in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.
8a reference to an assumption Paul Wickens made that proved to be incorrect
9a reason why Paul Wickens thought he was qualified to start his own games company
10Paul Wickens's aim regarding the market for Ntropy
11a description of a coincidence that proved fortunate for Paul Wickens
12a reason why Paul Wickens began to consider his future
13an explanation of the name Paul Wickens gave to his game