IELTS General Reading 3 - Passage 3

IELTS Reading Tip

In order to match the headings correctly, you need to understand the main idea of the paragraph/section.

Some headings may be true of one line or phrase in the paragraph, but if the heading does not summarise the whole section, it is not the correct choice.

Questions 28-34

The Reading Passage has seven paragraphs A–G.

Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.

List of Headings
i American water withdrawal
ii Economic pricing
iii What the future holds
iv Successful measures taken by some
v The role of research
vi The thirsty sectors
vii Ways of reducing waste
viii Interdependence of natural resources
ix The demands of development
x The consequences for agriculture

28Paragraph A 

29Paragraph B 

30Paragraph C 

31Paragraph D 

32Paragraph E 

33Paragraph F 

34Paragraph G 

Questions 35-40

Complete the summary below.

Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Write your answers in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.

Individual water usage is rising dramatically as people living in industrialised countries become increasingly . As well as increased consumption per capita, the growing demand for fresh water is due to a bigger global than in the past. The only way to control this increase in demand is to charge high prices for water while also promoting conservation measures. Improvements in irrigation systems and industrial processes could dramatically increase the efficiency of water use. There are examples of industries in some rich countries that have reduced their consumption rates through price increases, the application of and recycling. But in agricultural and domestic sectors, the price of water is still subsidised so it is not regarded as a commodity that people need to pay a realistic price for.

Other ways of protecting supplies are to reduce water loss resulting from in the supply systems and to find ways of utilising used water. Longer term measures, such as improved environmental . would protect the ecosystem and ensure the replenishment of ground water for future generations. Without such measures, future supplies are uncertain, especially when global warming is expected to interfere with rainfall patterns and to worsen the already suffered by many countries today.


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